Fraud Prevention

Fraud prevention is one of the most effective tools to protect your business from financial losses. Our team provides comprehensive fraud assessments that identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. We also provide prevention tools such as implementing internal controls and monitoring systems to deter fraudsters from considering stealing from your business. With our fraud prevention services, you can be sure your business is better protected.

Services offered

Fraud Control Assessments

We will determine your vulnerability to fraud.

Fraud Prevention Program Development

Personalized programs for your organization.

Internal Control Testing

Ensure that current Internal Controls are functioning correctly.

By-Laws Reviews

Confirmation current By-laws address fraud controls

Vendor Fraud Prevention

We can help ensure that vendor fraud does not occur.

Vendor Verification

Know who your vendors are before you place trust in them.

Tip Line

Setup and anonymous system for employees to report potential fraud tips.

In-Person Services

Have us at your event to ensure Internal Controls are being optimized.