Non Profit Organization

We offer a comprehensive suite of solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of each organization. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering the highest quality of service and providing peace of mind. Get in touch today to learn more about our solutions.

The typical organization loses 5% of revenue each year to fraud – a potential projected global fraud loss of $3.7 trillion annually, according to the ACFE 2014 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse.

Services offered

Fraud Control Assessments

We will determine your vulnerability to fraud.

Volunteer Verification

Verify credentials of all your Volunteers

Fraud Control Reports

Prepared reports to present to Investors.

Fraud Prevention Program Development

Personalized programs for your organization.

Internal Control Testing

Ensure that current Internal Controls are functioning correctly.

Vendor Fraud Prevention

We can help ensure that vendor fraud does not occur.

Fraud Detection

When fraud is suspected or as a safety review.

Vendor Verification

Know who your vendors are before you place trust in them.

In-Person Services

Have us at your event to ensure Internal Controls are being optimized

HOA Fraud

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Clients Served

  • Fund Raising Groups
  • Events and Festivals
  • Religious organizations
  • Labor Associations
  • Community Organizations