Youth Sports
Youth sports have become big business, bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees every year. Most youth sports organizations are run like small — and, in some cases, not-so-small -businesses, with officers, boards of directors, bylaws and annual meetings. Yet most operate with virtually no oversight beyond their volunteer boards of directors, and their often-lax financial controls make them easy and tempting targets for thieves. As a result, there is an unacceptable lack of accountability in youth sports. But, financial controls can easily be implemented.
Services offered
Fraud Control Assessments
We will determine your vulnerability to fraud.
Employee Verification
Verify credentials of current and prespective Employees
Fraud Prevention Program Development
Personalized programs for your organization.
Internal Control Testing
Ensure that current Internal Controls are functioning correctly.
Fraud Detection
When fraud is suspected or as a safety review.
Fraud Control Reports
Prepared reports to present to Investors.
Vendor Fraud Prevention
We can help ensure that vendor fraud does not occur.
Vendor Verification
Know who your vendors are before you place trust in them.
In-Person Services
Have us at your event to ensure Internal Controls are being optimized
By-Laws Reviews
Confirmation current By-laws address fraud controls
Auction fraud
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Clients Served
- Local Youth Sports Associations
- Club Sports
- Travel Youth Groups
- Booster Associations
- High School Parent Groups